If you are visiting our site, you are here because you are a dog-lover and you believe in the magical connection between humans and canines. You may have a special dog you would like to share with others. Or, you might like to start a therapy dog program to brighten the lives of others. We welcome you to explore our Web site to learn more about Bright Spot Therapy Dogs, Inc.
As you check out the various sections of our site, imagine for a moment what a bright spot it would be in a lonely person’s day to have a visit from a certified therapy dog. The simple act of stroking a dog’s head can lower blood pressure and stimulate conversation and physical activity. Imagine, too, how a child who is struggling to learn to read in a traditional classroom surrounded by other students can feel relaxed and unthreatened by the comforting presence of a canine reading buddy.
Bright Spot Therapy Dogs would like to thank our sponsor
Caroline Moore of Animal Alliances for her kind generosity.